SC-04-08 Richard Cabot posted an update in the group SC-04-08 3 weeks ago No folders found. Please create and select folder. Documents Folder Title Following special characters are not supported: \ / ? % * : | " < > Privacy Public All Members My Connections Only Me Cancel Create index-6.html 2 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link The SC-04-08 2018 Archive by thread 2018 Archives by thread Messages sorted by: [ subject ] [ author ] [ date ] More info on this list... Starting: Mon Jun 11 14:56:36 EDT 2018 Ending: Tue Jun 12 03:35:22 EDT 2018 Messages: 3 [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Eddy Bøgh Brixen [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Peter Mapp Last message date: Tue Jun 12 03:35:22 EDT 2018 Archived on: Tue Jun 12 03:35:30 EDT 2018 Messages sorted by: [ subject ] [ author ] [ date ] More info on this list... This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition). Expand subject-5.html 2 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link The SC-04-08 2018 Archive by subject 2018 Archives by subject Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ author ] [ date ] More info on this list... Starting: Mon Jun 11 14:56:36 EDT 2018 Ending: Tue Jun 12 03:35:22 EDT 2018 Messages: 3 [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Eddy Bøgh Brixen [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Peter Mapp Last message date: Tue Jun 12 03:35:22 EDT 2018 Archived on: Tue Jun 12 03:35:30 EDT 2018 Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ author ] [ date ] More info on this list... This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition). Expand thread-5.html 2 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link The SC-04-08 2018 Archive by thread 2018 Archives by thread Messages sorted by: [ subject ] [ author ] [ date ] More info on this list... Starting: Mon Jun 11 14:56:36 EDT 2018 Ending: Tue Jun 12 03:35:22 EDT 2018 Messages: 3 [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Eddy Bøgh Brixen [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Peter Mapp Last message date: Tue Jun 12 03:35:22 EDT 2018 Archived on: Tue Jun 12 03:35:30 EDT 2018 Messages sorted by: [ subject ] [ author ] [ date ] More info on this list... This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition). Expand 000448.html 8 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 pre { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-2.1, curent FF, Opera, Safari */ } [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Peter Mapp peter at Mon Jun 11 14:56:36 EDT 2018 Next message: [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Dear Working Group Members, please find attached minutes of the Milan meeting Please let me know if you have any comments Immediate actions required from Bruce and then Angela & PM Report of the meeting of the SC-04-08 Working Group on Measurement & Equalisation of sound systems in rooms, of the SC-04 subcommittee on acoustics, held in Milan 2018-05-24 The meeting was convened by chair Peter Mapp In attendance Peter Mapp, Richard Cabot, Bruce Olson, David Murphy, Angela Coleman, Eddy Brixen, Hemam Alavi, Crestani Riccardo Minutes of previous meeting in New York (2017-10-27) were approved Development Projects AES - X218 Measurement and calibration of sound system in rooms PM suggested that title should be Measurement and calibration of sound reinforcement system in rooms to distinguish from other sound systems e.g. reverberation enhancement/ electronic arhitecture, Assistive listening etc. PM noted that he had received several submissions as per NY meeting discussions, but whilst technically good, many were not particularly useful for the current project relating to measurements in rooms / auditoria and it was clear that the objective of the project had either been misinterpreted or misunderstood. Unfortunately due to other priorities and International standards work, he had not been able to follow up on this until now. Furthermore one of the biggest issues to overcome was how to measure the frequency response of a sound system, as there was no consensus amongst experts although this was one of the prime characteristics to measure and quantify. PM noted that SMPTE now had their standard for cinemas and InfoComm having received huge criticism on their spectral balance standard were completely re-writing it. It had previously been agreed that we wait until the InfoComm document was completed before deciding what to do with respect to this particular topic. (Shortly after the meeting, PM received a personal copy of the revision which he will study and comment on). Agreed that Bruce would talk to Ann Brigida at the upcoming InfoComm convention. PM's view that we would be producing a standalone document, which whilst referencing other standards and documents would not simply tell the reader just to read them instead in order to carry out a measurement. Agreed that Nord Test 108 was a useful document - although having been written ~20 years ago. Discussion took place as to whether an approach might be to take this as a basis and update as this might enable progress to be made. PM pointed out that there were really two parts to the procedure (1) was measurement of the room and (2) measurement of the system. A third section might be how to report the results. Discussion also took place concerning the number of measurement positions and the consequential time required if too prescriptive. Agreed that might have a number of examples for various types of room/ venue. It was agreed that by breaking the project down into a number of parts that a better chance existed of actually producing a document rather trying to complete the work outright in one go. In particular, measuring the acoustic properties of the room was relatively straightforward and well known so that this could be the place to start and make some progress and break the inertia. The room measurement part could be standalone, whereas measurement of the system needed virtually all its components to be in place fin order to produce a useful document. After further discussion it was agreed that the work (though not necessarily the document) could be split into four parts; (1) Measure the acoustic properties of the room (2) Measurement microphone placement (possibly 2 sections (a) for room acoustic measurement and (b) for sound system measurement). (3) System measurement (4) Reporting of the results Angela Coleman volunteered to produce the room acoustics measurement framework / initial text. It was also clarified that the measurements are to relate to an audience's perspective and not the system designer's. The type of rooms that the document is applicable was discussed. Rooms that have some form of content or performance. E.g. performance theatres, concert halls, lecture theatres/ large classrooms, traditional and modern churches and HOWs, stadiums, arenas (minimum size would be a room or space that can seat 40-50 people). Cinema / production studios, Home theatres/listening rooms are to be excluded - at least initially. Similarly not included are outdoor arenas / events and transportation terminals/hubs. Idea would be to produce a typical generic plan for each with typical microphone / measurement positions). Immersive sound systems could follow but for time being will concentrate on 'frontal' L,R , LCR, C or distributed sound systems. The above essentially defines the scope of the document. Definitions and references to be added as the document progresses. (It was noted that Nor test 108 was already in the group document repository). Bruce agreed to produce the document template. It was clarified that AES standards / Documents can have colour e.g. for diagrams & graphs Pm noted that he hoped to start work on part 3 - but currently had an international standard (of which he is chair) and a British standard taking up quite a bit of time. However, by working on the outline this would help clarify what was needed from future contributions Actions Angela Coleman to produce framework / initial text for part 1 PM to write to contributors to get contributions that will provide a better fit to the scope and intent of the document. (Citing Nordtest 108 as basis) Bruce to take the document template and produce a draft framework after InfoComm >From discussions Re-title and re-scope the document / work Timescales Document template (Bruce) ASAP [PM targeting end of June] Part 1 (Angela) Room Acoustics part - ideally needed by end of September so that it can be discussed in New York in October PM will circulate new scope once received and agreed with Bruce Next message: [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] More information about the SC-04-08 mailing list Expand 000449.html 14 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 pre { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-2.1, curent FF, Opera, Safari */ } [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Eddy Bøgh Brixen ebb at Tue Jun 12 02:20:42 EDT 2018 Previous message: [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Next message: [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Dear all I don't think my note regarding measurement of reverberation time has reached all - so here it is (again perhaps...): AES SC 04-08 - Note on the measurement of reverberation time Dear friends & colleagues Concerning our work group action points decided during the NY-meeting I at this moment forward a memo on the measurement of reverberation time. This memo is based on my own experience as a consultant and is subject to further discussion! --- Why measure reverberation time? It is important to know the reverberation time of any venue/cinema/conference room/auditorium where a sound system is going to be installed. This is the kind of data you want to possess before any sound system design work. You are not a serious contractor/consultant unless you take the reverberation time into account. If the room is not built yet, you must base the work on simulations for instance by the application of EASE. Then the first thing you will do when the room is finally there is to check that the acoustics of the room is similar to what was calculated by the simulation system. Also, if you are having doubts whether the Sabine or the Eyring (or any other) equations are performing the best in your case. So, regarding sound system design, the measurement of reverberation time is a basic task that provides you with basic and necessary data. Unless you are the acoustician of the project, the measurement of the reverberation time is mostly for your own good. If you are the acoustician, however, of course, you need to perform the measurements for documentation. Existing standards Good international standards already exist: ISO 3382-1 Acoustics - Measurement of room acoustic parameters - Part 1: Performance rooms ISO 3382-2 Acoustics - Measurement of room acoustic parameters - Part 2: Reverberation time in ordinary rooms ISO 3382-1 deals with precise measures and does not leave space for survey or engineering methods. It also deals with more acoustic parameters than just reverberation time. This standard may be considered as too comprehensive - or too demanding- for our purpose. ISO 3382-2 deals with ordinary rooms. However, the standard provides various guidelines that nicely may also apply to the kind of rooms where sound systems are installed. Here is a condensed overview of the ISO 3382-2 (hopefully we can upload the complete standard to our document base): 1 Scope This standard describes the procedure, measurement apparatus, measurement positions, and the methods for evaluating data. 2 Normative references This chapter includes other related ISO documents and IEC 61260 Electroacoustics - octave-band and fractional-octave band filters. 3 Terms and definitions Defines various methods: the interrupted noise method and the integrated impulse response method. Defines the typical measurement: T20 (reading from -5 dB to - 25 dB from top of decay). 4 Measurement conditions Influence from the number of persons present (problem is negligible in larger rooms), the influence from air absorption - hence why temperature and air pressure are measured. Equipment: Omnidirectional source is preferred, however for survey measurements no specific source required (leaves us with the possibility of applying the pa system as a source). Microphones: Omnidirectional - preferred max diaphragm diameter: 14 mm. If larger diaphragm (up to 27 mm), correction grids must be used. Apparatus for forming decay record level: Rules for averaging and presentation (some of it is related to level recorders nowadays mostly found in museums). Measurement points: Depending on precision; Survey, Engineering, or Precision. The concrete number of points are discussed depending on measurement method applied. Also, rules for the minimum distance between source and receiver are given. 5 Measurement method The two methods: Interrupted noise and Integrated impulse response; various source signals are discussed. Measurement bands: Octave or fraction of octave bands (1/3-octave bands). 6 Evaluation of decay curves Definition of T20 / T30 7 Measurement uncertainty In dependence of filter bandwidth, source signal, no of measurements, etc. 8 Spatial averaging I.e., averaging across the complete room or in different parts of the room 9 Statement of results - and - 10 Test report What is missing? The ISO 3382-2 does not directly mention the use of the PA-system as the sound source. However, in many (huge) spaces, this is the only practical way to provide sufficient level and s/n-ratio. If we consider the survey method good enough for our purpose in very large spaces, I think the standard can be used as it is. We may define the frequency range in which we measure. In large venues, the Schroeder frequency is rather low and therefore not an issue. However, it may become an issue in smaller screening rooms? Recommendation: In my opinion, the ISO 3382-2 is useful in our work. We may define some amendments/guidelines. Br Eddy B. Brixen Consultant EBB-consult ebb at -----Original Message----- From: SC-04-08 <sc-04-08-bounces at> On Behalf Of Peter Mapp via SC-04-08 Sent: 11. juni 2018 20:57 To: Working group on Measurement and equalization of sound systems in rooms <sc-04-08 at> Cc: Peter Mapp <peter at>; Richard Cabot <standards at> Subject: [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Importance: High Dear Working Group Members, please find attached minutes of the Milan meeting Please let me know if you have any comments Immediate actions required from Bruce and then Angela & PM Report of the meeting of the SC-04-08 Working Group on Measurement & Equalisation of sound systems in rooms, of the SC-04 subcommittee on acoustics, held in Milan 2018-05-24 The meeting was convened by chair Peter Mapp In attendance Peter Mapp, Richard Cabot, Bruce Olson, David Murphy, Angela Coleman, Eddy Brixen, Hemam Alavi, Crestani Riccardo Minutes of previous meeting in New York (2017-10-27) were approved Development Projects AES - X218 Measurement and calibration of sound system in rooms PM suggested that title should be Measurement and calibration of sound reinforcement system in rooms to distinguish from other sound systems e.g. reverberation enhancement/ electronic arhitecture, Assistive listening etc. PM noted that he had received several submissions as per NY meeting discussions, but whilst technically good, many were not particularly useful for the current project relating to measurements in rooms / auditoria and it was clear that the objective of the project had either been misinterpreted or misunderstood. Unfortunately due to other priorities and International standards work, he had not been able to follow up on this until now. Furthermore one of the biggest issues to overcome was how to measure the frequency response of a sound system, as there was no consensus amongst experts although this was one of the prime characteristics to measure and quantify. PM noted that SMPTE now had their standard for cinemas and InfoComm having received huge criticism on their spectral balance standard were completely re-writing it. It had previously been agreed that we wait until the InfoComm document was completed before deciding what to do with respect to this particular topic. (Shor tly after the meeting, PM received a personal copy of the revision which he will study and comment on). Agreed that Bruce would talk to Ann Brigida at the upcoming InfoComm convention. PM's view that we would be producing a standalone document, which whilst referencing other standards and documents would not simply tell the reader just to read them instead in order to carry out a measurement. Agr... Expand This file was truncated for preview. Please download to view the full file. 000450.html 15 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 pre { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-2.1, curent FF, Opera, Safari */ } [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Peter Mapp peter at Tue Jun 12 03:35:22 EDT 2018 Previous message: [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Thanks Eddie This was exactly the sort of initial commentary that was required. Now we need to put into a measurement procedure. I see the format of the document as being a background to the measurement parameter and an introductory commentary on the procedure and then the measurement procedure itself. The last section being how to report the results - where reference will be made to part 4 (reporting of the results). I think RT is a good topic to get going with as it is well defined already. Peter -----Original Message----- From: Eddy Bøgh Brixen <ebb at> Sent: 12 June 2018 07:21 To: Peter Mapp <peter at>; 'Working group on Measurement and equalization of sound systems in rooms' <sc-04-08 at> Cc: 'Richard Cabot' <standards at> Subject: RE: [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Dear all I don't think my note regarding measurement of reverberation time has reached all - so here it is (again perhaps...): AES SC 04-08 - Note on the measurement of reverberation time Dear friends & colleagues Concerning our work group action points decided during the NY-meeting I at this moment forward a memo on the measurement of reverberation time. This memo is based on my own experience as a consultant and is subject to further discussion! --- Why measure reverberation time? It is important to know the reverberation time of any venue/cinema/conference room/auditorium where a sound system is going to be installed. This is the kind of data you want to possess before any sound system design work. You are not a serious contractor/consultant unless you take the reverberation time into account. If the room is not built yet, you must base the work on simulations for instance by the application of EASE. Then the first thing you will do when the room is finally there is to check that the acoustics of the room is similar to what was calculated by the simulation system. Also, if you are having doubts whether the Sabine or the Eyring (or any other) equations are performing the best in your case. So, regarding sound system design, the measurement of reverberation time is a basic task that provides you with basic and necessary data. Unless you are the acoustician of the project, the measurement of the reverberation time is mostly for your own good. If you are the acoustician, however, of course, you need to perform the measurements for documentation. Existing standards Good international standards already exist: ISO 3382-1 Acoustics - Measurement of room acoustic parameters - Part 1: Performance rooms ISO 3382-2 Acoustics - Measurement of room acoustic parameters - Part 2: Reverberation time in ordinary rooms ISO 3382-1 deals with precise measures and does not leave space for survey or engineering methods. It also deals with more acoustic parameters than just reverberation time. This standard may be considered as too comprehensive - or too demanding- for our purpose. ISO 3382-2 deals with ordinary rooms. However, the standard provides various guidelines that nicely may also apply to the kind of rooms where sound systems are installed. Here is a condensed overview of the ISO 3382-2 (hopefully we can upload the complete standard to our document base): 1 Scope This standard describes the procedure, measurement apparatus, measurement positions, and the methods for evaluating data. 2 Normative references This chapter includes other related ISO documents and IEC 61260 Electroacoustics - octave-band and fractional-octave band filters. 3 Terms and definitions Defines various methods: the interrupted noise method and the integrated impulse response method. Defines the typical measurement: T20 (reading from -5 dB to - 25 dB from top of decay). 4 Measurement conditions Influence from the number of persons present (problem is negligible in larger rooms), the influence from air absorption - hence why temperature and air pressure are measured. Equipment: Omnidirectional source is preferred, however for survey measurements no specific source required (leaves us with the possibility of applying the pa system as a source). Microphones: Omnidirectional - preferred max diaphragm diameter: 14 mm. If larger diaphragm (up to 27 mm), correction grids must be used. Apparatus for forming decay record level: Rules for averaging and presentation (some of it is related to level recorders nowadays mostly found in museums). Measurement points: Depending on precision; Survey, Engineering, or Precision. The concrete number of points are discussed depending on measurement method applied. Also, rules for the minimum distance between source and receiver are given. 5 Measurement method The two methods: Interrupted noise and Integrated impulse response; various source signals are discussed. Measurement bands: Octave or fraction of octave bands (1/3-octave bands). 6 Evaluation of decay curves Definition of T20 / T30 7 Measurement uncertainty In dependence of filter bandwidth, source signal, no of measurements, etc. 8 Spatial averaging I.e., averaging across the complete room or in different parts of the room 9 Statement of results - and - 10 Test report What is missing? The ISO 3382-2 does not directly mention the use of the PA-system as the sound source. However, in many (huge) spaces, this is the only practical way to provide sufficient level and s/n-ratio. If we consider the survey method good enough for our purpose in very large spaces, I think the standard can be used as it is. We may define the frequency range in which we measure. In large venues, the Schroeder frequency is rather low and therefore not an issue. However, it may become an issue in smaller screening rooms? Recommendation: In my opinion, the ISO 3382-2 is useful in our work. We may define some amendments/guidelines. Br Eddy B. Brixen Consultant EBB-consult ebb at -----Original Message----- From: SC-04-08 <sc-04-08-bounces at> On Behalf Of Peter Mapp via SC-04-08 Sent: 11. juni 2018 20:57 To: Working group on Measurement and equalization of sound systems in rooms <sc-04-08 at> Cc: Peter Mapp <peter at>; Richard Cabot <standards at> Subject: [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Importance: High Dear Working Group Members, please find attached minutes of the Milan meeting Please let me know if you have any comments Immediate actions required from Bruce and then Angela & PM Report of the meeting of the SC-04-08 Working Group on Measurement & Equalisation of sound systems in rooms, of the SC-04 subcommittee on acoustics, held in Milan 2018-05-24 The meeting was convened by chair Peter Mapp In attendance Peter Mapp, Richard Cabot, Bruce Olson, David Murphy, Angela Coleman, Eddy Brixen, Hemam Alavi, Crestani Riccardo Minutes of previous meeting in New York (2017-10-27) were approved Development Projects AES - X218 Measurement and calibration of sound system in rooms PM suggested that title should be Measurement and calibration of sound reinforcement system in rooms to distinguish from other sound systems e.g. reverberation enhancement/ electronic arhitecture, Assistive listening etc. PM noted that he had received several submissions as per NY meeting discussions, but whilst technically good, many were not particularly useful for the current project relating to measurements in rooms / auditoria and it was clear that the objective of the project had either been misinterpreted or misunderstood. Unfortunately due to other priorities and International ... Expand This file was truncated for preview. Please download to view the full file. author-5.html 2 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link The SC-04-08 2018 Archive by author 2018 Archives by author Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ subject ] [ date ] More info on this list... Starting: Mon Jun 11 14:56:36 EDT 2018 Ending: Tue Jun 12 03:35:22 EDT 2018 Messages: 3 [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Eddy Bøgh Brixen [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Peter Mapp Last message date: Tue Jun 12 03:35:22 EDT 2018 Archived on: Tue Jun 12 03:35:30 EDT 2018 Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ subject ] [ date ] More info on this list... This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition). Expand date-5.html 2 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link The SC-04-08 2018 Archive by date 2018 Archives by date Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] More info on this list... Starting: Mon Jun 11 14:56:36 EDT 2018 Ending: Tue Jun 12 03:35:22 EDT 2018 Messages: 3 [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Eddy Bøgh Brixen [SC-04-08] SC04-08 Minutes of Meeting held in Milan 25-05-2018 Peter Mapp Last message date: Tue Jun 12 03:35:22 EDT 2018 Archived on: Tue Jun 12 03:35:30 EDT 2018 Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] More info on this list... This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition). Expand 0 Comments Public All Members My Connections Only Me PublicAll MembersMy ConnectionsOnly Me Public All Members My Connections Only Me