SC-04-08 Richard Cabot posted an update in the group SC-04-08 3 weeks ago No folders found. Please create and select folder. Documents Folder Title Following special characters are not supported: \ / ? % * : | " < > Privacy Public All Members My Connections Only Me Cancel Create 000337.html 4 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting pre { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-2.1, curent FF, Opera, Safari */ } [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp peter at Mon Nov 16 08:26:16 EST 2015 Previous message: [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Gentlemen - by showing an interest in the InfoComm Spectral Balance document - I am assume that you also have sufficient interest and expertise to contribute to the AES document. We still need potential contributors to most of the topics. At the end of the month I will circulate the interest expressed so far so that we can move on and actually get this project off the ground Regards Peter Mapp VC SC-04 -----Original Message----- From: Alessandro Travaglini [mailto:alessandro_travaglini at] Sent: 16 November 2015 13:18 To: John Murray; Working group on Measurement and equalization of sound systems in rooms Cc: Peter Mapp Subject: Re: [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Hello, I'd be interested too. Kind regards. Alessandro Travaglini Sent from my iPhone > On 13 Nov 2015, at 02:06, John Murray via SC-04-08 <sc-04-08 at> wrote: > > Peter and all, > > As I mentioned at the meeting, I volunteer to be in the working groups for: 1) Frequency Response and 2) Gain Structure. I don’t know that I could chair any group for AES as I have not been a member of any AES working groups in the past to know how it is done, but I would be glad to serve as a member of either of the above working groups. > > BTW, I do have a distributable draft of the InfoComm Spectral Balance standard if anyone is interested. It might help the AES to speed the development of the Frequency Response standard. I am a member of the committee that developed it. > > Respectfully, > > John Murray, Principal > Optimum System Solutions (OSS) > 719-332-3456 > john at > > > > > _______________________________________________ > SC-04-08 mailing list > SC-04-08 at > <> Previous message: [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] More information about the SC-04-08 mailing list Expand 000338.html 9 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting pre { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-2.1, curent FF, Opera, Safari */ } [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Thomas Lagö thomaslagoqirra at Mon Nov 16 15:55:16 EST 2015 Previous message: [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Next message: [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Frequency Response Function, FRF > On 16 Nov 2015, at 21:59, Peter Mapp via SC-04-08 <sc-04-08 at> wrote: > > Thanks Thomas – just so that there is no confusion – how are you defining FRF ? > > Best regards > > Peter Mapp > VC SC-04 > > From: Thomas Lagö [mailto:thomaslagoqirra at <mailto:thomaslagoqirra at>] > Sent: 16 November 2015 12:22 > To: John Murray; Working group on Measurement and equalization of sound systems in rooms > Cc: Peter Mapp > Subject: Re: [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting > > Dear All, > > I am interested in participating. > > Now, I arrived in Osaka in Japan and I am preparing for the JSAE-SETC conference. I am in the organizing committee and will chair several sessions: Vehicle Dynamics & Safety In, Vehicle Dynamics & Safety II, Vehicle Components and NVH Technology. It will be fun to meet some new experts in the fields and my board members from the United States who will be here. > > > > I am especially interested in FRF systems, IR and systemes where DYNAMIC PROPERTIES make a difference, Count me in, that means SPL Max as well :-) > > Best regards, > Dr. Thomas L. Lagö > Chief Scientist & Chairman > Cell Sweden: +46 708 357337 > Cell USA: +1 479 571 0035 > > QirraSound Technologies Europe AB > Main office: Landsnoravägen 77A, 19251 Sollentuna, Sweden > Visiting address: Kista Science City, SenseGraphics AB, Borgarfjordsgatan 6B, Kista, Sweden > R&D and Technology Center: Slagetorp 2, 57692 Sävsjö, Sweden > Manufacturing unit: QirraSound/VILAX, Tirupsvägen 9, 24593 Staffanstorp, Sweden > thomas.lago at <mailto:thomas.lago at><mailto:thomas.lago at <mailto:thomas.lago at>> > <>< <>> > <>< <>> > > This email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient (s) and may contain information that is confidential, proprietary, legally privileged, or otherwise protected by law from disclosure. Any unauthorized review, use, copying, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, or the person responsible for delivering this to an addressee, you should notify the sender immediately by telephone or by reply e-mail, and destroy all copies of the original message. > > > > > On 13 Nov 2015, at 10:06, John Murray via SC-04-08 <sc-04-08 at <mailto:sc-04-08 at><mailto:sc-04-08 at <mailto:sc-04-08 at>>> wrote: > > Peter and all, > > As I mentioned at the meeting, I volunteer to be in the working groups for: 1) Frequency Response and 2) Gain Structure. I don’t know that I could chair any group for AES as I have not been a member of any AES working groups in the past to know how it is done, but I would be glad to serve as a member of either of the above working groups. > > BTW, I do have a distributable draft of the InfoComm Spectral Balance standard if anyone is interested. It might help the AES to speed the development of the Frequency Response standard. I am a member of the committee that developed it. > > Respectfully, > > John Murray, Principal > Optimum System Solutions (OSS) > 719-332-3456 > john at <mailto:john at><mailto:john at <mailto:john at>> > <>< <>> > > > > _______________________________________________ > SC-04-08 mailing list > SC-04-08 at <mailto:SC-04-08 at><mailto:SC-04-08 at <mailto:SC-04-08 at>> > < <>> > > _______________________________________________ > SC-04-08 mailing list > SC-04-08 at <mailto:SC-04-08 at> > < <>> Previous message: [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Next message: [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] More information about the SC-04-08 mailing list Expand 000339.html 9 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting pre { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-2.1, curent FF, Opera, Safari */ } [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting F.C.Schafer-Consulting fcschafer at Tue Nov 17 17:39:35 EST 2015 Previous message: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Next message: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Peter, I'm willing to be part of the working groups for Frequency Response, Coverage, Reverberation Time and Background Noise (Acoustic). Count me in. Regards, Fred Fred Schafer, Principal F.C.Schafer - Consulting 7330 Chapel Hill Road, Suite-201 Raleigh, NC 27607 Ph: 704-721-4001 -----Original Message----- From: SC-04-08 [mailto:sc-04-08-bounces at] On Behalf Of Peter Mapp via SC-04-08 Sent: Friday, November 06, 2015 9:53 AM To: Eddy B. Brixen <ebb at>; Working group on Measurement and equalization of sound systems in rooms <sc-04-08 at> Subject: Re: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Thanks Eddy At the meeting everyone pointed at me when 'intelligibility' was mentioned, so to get the ball rolling I will lead the WG on intelligibility. I would also be happy to lead on Reverberation Time and Background Noise level (acoustical). With my SC04 Vice Chair hat on I would like to see a lead for each of the Topics agreed by end of December latest and then a list produced of who is leading each task and who is in each group. I would imagine that members many could be involved in many of the topics and will have much to contribute - but each topic needs a WG leader to co-ordinate the effort. Some of the topics will take more effort / be more difficult to obtain a consensus than others but by Paris I would hope that each topic will have some substantial content to discuss. A monthly review emil starting end of December might help us all keep on track ? I have added a table of topics and WG members to kick things off. Regards Peter Parameter WG Leader/co-ordinator Members Frequency Response SPL & Max SPL Coverage Speech Intelligibility PM Distortion Background Noise (acoustic) PM Background Noise (System) Reverberation Time PM Gain Structure Temporal Response / Impulse response -----Original Message----- From: SC-04-08 [mailto:sc-04-08-bounces at] On Behalf Of Eddy B. Brixen via SC-04-08 Sent: 06 November 2015 13:39 To: sc-04-08 at Subject: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Dear WG of SC-04-08, Please find below the report of October 2015 meeting Br, Eddy B. Brixen SC-04-08 meeting report, New York, October 2015. The meeting was convened by interim chair Eddy B. Brixen. The secretary presented the formal notice on patent policy. The agenda and report of the previous meeting, held in Warsaw, Poland, May 2015, were accepted as written. AES-X218 - "Measurement and calibration of sound systems in rooms." The chair pointed out that the project now needs to enter the writing process, as there already have been discussions, however, nothing has been concluded yet. SMPTE document At the last meeting, it was mentioned that the SMPTE would have finished a document on measurement techniques for cinema system calibration by this time. However, we understand that this document has not been finished yet. A draft version is expected to be put to a vote by next month (November 2015). It was mentioned that it should be regarded as an interim project, until a methodology involving more modern measurement techniques is described. In this respect, the SMPTE is also waiting for the AES-X218 to finish. Definition of "sound systems" The chair wanted a clarification whether the term "sound systems" includes the frontend with live microphones. A reproduction system solely cover B-chain. However, reinforcement systems include microphones. As the loudspeakers are common for both systems it was agreed that it is most appropriate to work on a document that encompasses the reproduction side of the system, and then eventually add microphones in an addendum. Parameters to measure In order to move on with the project it was decided define the parameters to measure. When decided, the group can move on to the measurement procedures. The following parameters were proposed: Frequency response SPL Coverage Speech Intelligibility Distortion Background Noise (acoustical) System noise (acoustical) Reverberation time Gain structure Max SPL Temporal response / Impulse response Frequency response and SPL are regarded as top-level parameters that have a fundamental influence on other parameters. Next step With this meeting report, all members are urged to comment whether the list of parameters is adequate/complete as soon as possible. Commenting on the reflector should be finished by the end of November. Then members (of the working group) must assign themselves to writing groups each covering measuring procedures for one (or perhaps more) parameter to be documented. Phone meetings can be held at an regular basis to make things happen before the next convention in June. AES-X219 "Method of measurement for frequency and impulse response of sound systems in auditoria" Status: AES-X219 pending detailed scope. The project is postponed until the X-218 has reached some conclusions which may/may not involve impulse response. Liaisons There were no new liaison issues. New Projects None New Business None Next meeting June Paris, France (physical meeting). Meetings to be held in the virtual space for the progress of the project. First meeting around December 1st, 2015. _______________________________________________ SC-04-08 mailing list SC-04-08 at<mailto:SC-04-08 at> <> _______________________________________________ SC-04-08 mailing list SC-04-08 at <> Previous message: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Next message: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] More information about the SC-04-08 mailing list Expand 000340.html 9 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting pre { white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-2.1, curent FF, Opera, Safari */ } [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Peter Mapp peter at Tue Nov 17 17:57:47 EST 2015 Previous message: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Next message: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] Thanks Fred - Noted Pm -----Original Message----- From: F.C.Schafer-Consulting [mailto:fcschafer at] Sent: 17 November 2015 22:40 To: Peter Mapp; 'Working group on Measurement and equalization of sound systems in rooms'; 'Eddy B. Brixen' Subject: RE: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Peter, I'm willing to be part of the working groups for Frequency Response, Coverage, Reverberation Time and Background Noise (Acoustic). Count me in. Regards, Fred Fred Schafer, Principal F.C.Schafer - Consulting 7330 Chapel Hill Road, Suite-201 Raleigh, NC 27607 Ph: 704-721-4001 -----Original Message----- From: SC-04-08 [mailto:sc-04-08-bounces at] On Behalf Of Peter Mapp via SC-04-08 Sent: Friday, November 06, 2015 9:53 AM To: Eddy B. Brixen <ebb at>; Working group on Measurement and equalization of sound systems in rooms <sc-04-08 at> Subject: Re: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Thanks Eddy At the meeting everyone pointed at me when 'intelligibility' was mentioned, so to get the ball rolling I will lead the WG on intelligibility. I would also be happy to lead on Reverberation Time and Background Noise level (acoustical). With my SC04 Vice Chair hat on I would like to see a lead for each of the Topics agreed by end of December latest and then a list produced of who is leading each task and who is in each group. I would imagine that members many could be involved in many of the topics and will have much to contribute - but each topic needs a WG leader to co-ordinate the effort. Some of the topics will take more effort / be more difficult to obtain a consensus than others but by Paris I would hope that each topic will have some substantial content to discuss. A monthly review emil starting end of December might help us all keep on track ? I have added a table of topics and WG members to kick things off. Regards Peter Parameter WG Leader/co-ordinator Members Frequency Response SPL & Max SPL Coverage Speech Intelligibility PM Distortion Background Noise (acoustic) PM Background Noise (System) Reverberation Time PM Gain Structure Temporal Response / Impulse response -----Original Message----- From: SC-04-08 [mailto:sc-04-08-bounces at] On Behalf Of Eddy B. Brixen via SC-04-08 Sent: 06 November 2015 13:39 To: sc-04-08 at Subject: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Dear WG of SC-04-08, Please find below the report of October 2015 meeting Br, Eddy B. Brixen SC-04-08 meeting report, New York, October 2015. The meeting was convened by interim chair Eddy B. Brixen. The secretary presented the formal notice on patent policy. The agenda and report of the previous meeting, held in Warsaw, Poland, May 2015, were accepted as written. AES-X218 - "Measurement and calibration of sound systems in rooms." The chair pointed out that the project now needs to enter the writing process, as there already have been discussions, however, nothing has been concluded yet. SMPTE document At the last meeting, it was mentioned that the SMPTE would have finished a document on measurement techniques for cinema system calibration by this time. However, we understand that this document has not been finished yet. A draft version is expected to be put to a vote by next month (November 2015). It was mentioned that it should be regarded as an interim project, until a methodology involving more modern measurement techniques is described. In this respect, the SMPTE is also waiting for the AES-X218 to finish. Definition of "sound systems" The chair wanted a clarification whether the term "sound systems" includes the frontend with live microphones. A reproduction system solely cover B-chain. However, reinforcement systems include microphones. As the loudspeakers are common for both systems it was agreed that it is most appropriate to work on a document that encompasses the reproduction side of the system, and then eventually add microphones in an addendum. Parameters to measure In order to move on with the project it was decided define the parameters to measure. When decided, the group can move on to the measurement procedures. The following parameters were proposed: Frequency response SPL Coverage Speech Intelligibility Distortion Background Noise (acoustical) System noise (acoustical) Reverberation time Gain structure Max SPL Temporal response / Impulse response Frequency response and SPL are regarded as top-level parameters that have a fundamental influence on other parameters. Next step With this meeting report, all members are urged to comment whether the list of parameters is adequate/complete as soon as possible. Commenting on the reflector should be finished by the end of November. Then members (of the working group) must assign themselves to writing groups each covering measuring procedures for one (or perhaps more) parameter to be documented. Phone meetings can be held at an regular basis to make things happen before the next convention in June. AES-X219 "Method of measurement for frequency and impulse response of sound systems in auditoria" Status: AES-X219 pending detailed scope. The project is postponed until the X-218 has reached some conclusions which may/may not involve impulse response. Liaisons There were no new liaison issues. New Projects None New Business None Next meeting June Paris, France (physical meeting). Meetings to be held in the virtual space for the progress of the project. First meeting around December 1st, 2015. _______________________________________________ SC-04-08 mailing list SC-04-08 at<mailto:SC-04-08 at> <> _______________________________________________ SC-04-08 mailing list SC-04-08 at <> Previous message: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Next message: [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] More information about the SC-04-08 mailing list Expand author-2.html 8 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link The SC-04-08 2015 Archive by author 2015 Archives by author Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ subject ] [ date ] More info on this list... Starting: Tue Jan 20 07:56:25 EST 2015 Ending: Tue Nov 17 17:57:47 EST 2015 Messages: 53 [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting F.C.Schafer-Consulting [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Kurt Graffy [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Charlie Hughes [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A David Josephson [SC-04-08] FW: SC 04 08A David Josephson [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Glenn Leembruggen [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Glenn Leembruggen [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Brian Long [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Brian Long [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X215 on SMPTE Modern Calibration document Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting John Murray [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Bruce C. Olson [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Ram [SC-04-08] X216 proposed output for comment AES Standards [SC-04-08] X216 proposed output for comment - final call AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X216 on Calibration Pink-Noise Standard and Test File AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X216 on Calibration Pink-Noise Standard and Test File (ii) AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X215 on SMPTE Modern Calibration document AES Standards [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - AES138 Warsaw working group SC-04-08 AES Standards [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting AES Standards [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Floyd Toole [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Alessandro Travaglini [SC-04-08] Talker training John Woodgate [SC-04-08] Talker training John Woodgate [SC-04-08] - Warsaw david murphy [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 david murphy [SC-04-08] Meetingin NY NY david murphy [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A david murphy [SC-04-08] - Warsaw philip newell [SC-04-08] - Warsaw philip newell [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting philip newell [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting philip newell [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting neil a shaw Last message date: Tue Nov 17 17:57:47 EST 2015 Archived on: Tue Nov 17 17:57:56 EST 2015 Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ subject ] [ date ] More info on this list... This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition). Expand date-2.html 8 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link The SC-04-08 2015 Archive by date 2015 Archives by date Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] More info on this list... Starting: Tue Jan 20 07:56:25 EST 2015 Ending: Tue Nov 17 17:57:47 EST 2015 Messages: 53 [SC-04-08] X216 proposed output for comment AES Standards [SC-04-08] X216 proposed output for comment - final call AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X216 on Calibration Pink-Noise Standard and Test File AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X216 on Calibration Pink-Noise Standard and Test File (ii) AES Standards [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Bruce C. Olson [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] - Warsaw david murphy [SC-04-08] - Warsaw philip newell [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] - Warsaw philip newell [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X215 on SMPTE Modern Calibration document AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X215 on SMPTE Modern Calibration document Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - AES138 Warsaw working group SC-04-08 AES Standards [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 david murphy [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Talker training John Woodgate [SC-04-08] Meetingin NY NY david murphy [SC-04-08] Talker training John Woodgate [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Glenn Leembruggen [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A david murphy [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A David Josephson [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] FW: SC 04 08A David Josephson [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting AES Standards [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Brian Long [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting philip newell [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Brian Long [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting John Murray [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting neil a shaw [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Kurt Graffy [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting philip newell [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Ram [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Glenn Leembruggen [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Floyd Toole [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Charlie Hughes [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Alessandro Travaglini [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting F.C.Schafer-Consulting [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Peter Mapp Last message date: Tue Nov 17 17:57:47 EST 2015 Archived on: Tue Nov 17 17:57:56 EST 2015 Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ] More info on this list... This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition). Expand index-3.html 10 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link The SC-04-08 2015 Archive by thread 2015 Archives by thread Messages sorted by: [ subject ] [ author ] [ date ] More info on this list... Starting: Tue Jan 20 07:56:25 EST 2015 Ending: Tue Nov 17 17:57:47 EST 2015 Messages: 53 [SC-04-08] X216 proposed output for comment AES Standards [SC-04-08] X216 proposed output for comment - final call AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X216 on Calibration Pink-Noise Standard and Test File AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X216 on Calibration Pink-Noise Standard and Test File (ii) AES Standards [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Bruce C. Olson [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] - Warsaw david murphy [SC-04-08] - Warsaw philip newell [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] - Warsaw philip newell [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X215 on SMPTE Modern Calibration document AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X215 on SMPTE Modern Calibration document Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - AES138 Warsaw working group SC-04-08 AES Standards [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 david murphy [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Meetingin NY NY david murphy [SC-04-08] Talker training John Woodgate [SC-04-08] Talker training John Woodgate [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Glenn Leembruggen [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A david murphy [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A David Josephson [SC-04-08] FW: SC 04 08A David Josephson [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting AES Standards [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Brian Long [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting philip newell [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Ram [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting F.C.Schafer-Consulting [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Brian Long [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting John Murray [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting neil a shaw [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Kurt Graffy [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting philip newell [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Glenn Leembruggen [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Floyd Toole [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Charlie Hughes [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Alessandro Travaglini [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Ma... Expand This file was truncated for preview. Please download to view the full file. subject-2.html 8 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link The SC-04-08 2015 Archive by subject 2015 Archives by subject Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ author ] [ date ] More info on this list... Starting: Tue Jan 20 07:56:25 EST 2015 Ending: Tue Nov 17 17:57:47 EST 2015 Messages: 53 [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Bruce C. Olson [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] - Warsaw david murphy [SC-04-08] - Warsaw philip newell [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] - Warsaw philip newell [SC-04-08] FW: SC 04 08A David Josephson [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - AES138 Warsaw working group SC-04-08 AES Standards [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting AES Standards [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Brian Long [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting philip newell [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X215 on SMPTE Modern Calibration document AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X215 on SMPTE Modern Calibration document Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X216 on Calibration Pink-Noise Standard and Test File AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X216 on Calibration Pink-Noise Standard and Test File (ii) AES Standards [SC-04-08] Meetingin NY NY david murphy [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Brian Long [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Ram [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting F.C.Schafer-Consulting [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 david murphy [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Glenn Leembruggen [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A david murphy [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A David Josephson [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting John Murray [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting neil a shaw [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Kurt Graffy [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting philip newell [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Glenn Leembruggen [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Floyd Toole [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Charlie Hughes [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Alessandro Travaglini [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] Talker training John Woodgate [SC-04-08] Talker training John Woodgate [SC-04-08] X216 proposed output for comment AES Standards [SC-04-08] X216 proposed output for comment - final call AES Standards Last message date: Tue Nov 17 17:57:47 EST 2015 Archived on: Tue Nov 17 17:57:56 EST 2015 Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ author ] [ date ] More info on this list... This archive was generated by Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition). Expand thread-2.html 10 KB HTML - Click to view Options Copy Download Link The SC-04-08 2015 Archive by thread 2015 Archives by thread Messages sorted by: [ subject ] [ author ] [ date ] More info on this list... Starting: Tue Jan 20 07:56:25 EST 2015 Ending: Tue Nov 17 17:57:47 EST 2015 Messages: 53 [SC-04-08] X216 proposed output for comment AES Standards [SC-04-08] X216 proposed output for comment - final call AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X216 on Calibration Pink-Noise Standard and Test File AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X216 on Calibration Pink-Noise Standard and Test File (ii) AES Standards [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Bruce C. Olson [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] - Warsaw david murphy [SC-04-08] - Warsaw philip newell [SC-04-08] - Warsaw Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] - Warsaw philip newell [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X215 on SMPTE Modern Calibration document AES Standards [SC-04-08] Liaison report: AES-X215 on SMPTE Modern Calibration document Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - AES138 Warsaw working group SC-04-08 AES Standards [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 david murphy [SC-04-08] Report AES 138 Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Meetingin NY NY david murphy [SC-04-08] Talker training John Woodgate [SC-04-08] Talker training John Woodgate [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Glenn Leembruggen [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A david murphy [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08-A David Josephson [SC-04-08] FW: SC 04 08A David Josephson [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting AES Standards [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Brian Long [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting philip newell [SC-04-08] GoToMeeting Invitation - aes139_SC-04-08-meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Eddy B. Brixen [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Ram [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting F.C.Schafer-Consulting [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] Meeting report SC-04-08 October 2015 meeting Brian Long [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting John Murray [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting neil a shaw [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Brian McCarty [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Kurt Graffy [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting philip newell [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Glenn Leembruggen [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Floyd Toole [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Charlie Hughes [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Mapp [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Thomas Lagö [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Alessandro Travaglini [SC-04-08] SC-04-08 at AES NYC meeting Peter Ma... 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